After 40 years of the development, the company is on the way to No.1
Complete Nonwoven
Supply Chain
Associated Technology (Holdings) Company Limited was founded in 1984.
Built the first production facility in China in 1986.
Owns various nonwoven machines to produce nonwoven for medical; industrial and household applications.
The group has been vertically integrated in the last 40 years, converting nonwoven to wipes, gloves, shampoo caps, textiles; furniture, and household wipes…
Complete QC system to control quality from the very beginning down to the finished products.
One-Stop Solution
Product Design
Has our own professional designing team, responsible for product, packaging and brand design
Nonwoven Manufacturing
Manufacturing Wet Wipes
Medical Supplies Manufacturing
Non-woven fabrics are used in many industries such as environmentally friendly industrial manufacturing materials, household cleaning products manufacturing, medical and sanitary materials, etc.
Wipes & Medical
Cleaning & Home Textile
Production Facilities
Technology Information
Access to the showroom
- 86-755-29826998
- edmond@asso-medical.com
- 홍콩 주소: Flat 2, 2/F, Crown Ind. 빌딩, 106 하우 밍 스트리트, 쿤통, 클런, 홍콩
- 선전 주소: 중국 광둥성 선전시 바오안구 시옌가 구오타이로 7호, 이퀄 굿 테크놀로지 빌딩, 7번지.