السيد يو مان ينضم إلى مجلس مقاطعة كوون تونغ كعضو جديد

رحب مجلس مقاطعة كوون تونغ في هونغ كونغ مؤخرًا بعضو جديد هو السيد يو مان، الذي من المتوقع أن يجلب وجهات نظر جديدة وطاقة جديدة للمجتمع.

Hong Kong, December 2, 2024 — The Kwun Tong District Council announced today that Mr. Yu Man has been appointed as a new member of the council. With his extensive experience and dedication to public service, Mr. Yu is poised to make significant contributions to the development and well-being of the Kwun Tong community.

As a member of the council, Mr. Yu will be responsible for representing the interests of the residents and working towards improving local amenities, infrastructure, and services. His appointment comes at a crucial time for the district, as it faces new challenges and opportunities in the ever-evolving urban landscape of Hong Kong.

The Kwun Tong District Council looks forward to the insights and leadership that Mr. Yu will provide and is confident that his involvement will lead to positive changes for the district and its residents.

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